Monday, March 24, 2008

VOTE FOR PEACE:a campain of SDP in J&K

Socialistic Democratic Party’s Mission

During the last more than six decades, the politicians of Kashmir have been exploiting the ignorance and innocence of the masses and thus enjoying power and amassing enormous wealth. For their poetry political interests they have been leading the common man to graveyards or the kingdoms of economic backwardness and themselves living in palatial houses and enjoying the luxuries of the world. The state has been experience the bloody period for the last eighteen years now. Those who guided our youth to violence and the graveyards and have amassed enormous and assets wealth for themselves and gifted us with thousands of Orphans and widows. They have been misusing the great religion of peace ( Islam) for letting lose an eara of arson, loot and killings. Kashmiri has been exploited in the name of special status, Rai Shumari, Azadi, Autonomy or Demilitarization Slogans. And a common man is fed up with this all. He needs only peace___peace for security, peace for development and for the better future of their next generation. Those politicians who claim public support for their separatist or slogans ideologies are now befooling themselves every body has seen same crowd clapping for Geelani or Malik and Manmohan Singh or Vajpayee. This is all rented crowed. The common man only stands for peace and rejects all other things. J&K has seen enough violence, enough crime and enough torture Hence I have come out with my ballot box asking for votes for peace. I will snow. how to the world that majority of the common people of this troubled state want peace and reject all other slogans that have deprived them of their kiths and kins and fetched them misery and poverty and uncertainty for children.
“Peace” is the mission of the great Prophet (PBUH). I will carry this “ Aman Kay Liyay Raishmari” campaign to all parts of the troubled state and prove that peace only wins the vote. It is the vote for security, development and employment.

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